

The learning and discussion amongst the LPG will inform how this group of institutions acts – individually and collaboratively – to shift the field of social change. The LPG work is guided by and draws from the body of work and framework that Synergos has developed over 25 years. The methodology models and embodies personal wellbeing and reflection as the basis leading to a shared group vision and collective aspirations that lead to collective action. This group gathers virtually every three to four months and several in-person days once a year.

With the guidance of the Learning Partner Group, The Wellbeing Project has initiated work to catalyze wellbeing in specific areas of the social change field. So much so that some of the TWP’s learning communities were born, such as WISE Network.

The Learning Partner Group (LPG), was convened at the beginning of 2016, with the aim to engage leaders of key global institutions in the world of social change in a learning journey. The leaders are invited to learn from and help guide the research and other key areas of learning, learn from the wellbeing-related work of each institution in their networks, and support the overall evolution and strategic direction of the Project.


❏ Convene a ‘learning partner’ community of global social sector leaders

❏ Engage the Learning Partners in the research, and consideration for the whole field of social change

The Learning Partner Group (LPG), was convened at the beginning of 2016, engages leaders of key global institutions in the world of social change in a learning journey. They are invited to:

❏ Learn from and help guide the research and other key areas of learning.

❏ Learn from the wellbeing-related work of each institution in their networks.

❏ Explore the question “What support can be provided to support more broadly the wellbeing of people working in the field of social change?”

❏ Help guide the overall evolution and strategic direction of the Project.

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