
Daniel Lobo

Daniel Lobo

Founder & CEO, BecauseYOU

Daniel works at the intersection of leadership, consciousness and mental health. He’s the Founder & CEO of BecauseYOU, a mental health social enterprise that supports individuals and organizations to thrive.

His purpose is to unleash creative potential (love, wisdom, lightness) into the world.

BecauseYOU collaborates with practitioners, mental health professionals and facilitators to create long term change for individuals and organizations.

Daniel’s own journey being diagnosed with bipolar disorder led him to create a humane, collaborative and meaningful response to the global mental health crisis.

Daniel’s on the leadership team of the Catalyst 2030 Mental Health Collaboration, a global collaboration of over 40+ mental health social entrepreneurs. Its focus is to get the world to understand (and act) upon the global mental health crisis. Funding pathways for any entrepreneur in this sector is another goal.

He spent over a decade leading the India business of Leaders’ Quest, a leadership development firm that works with senior leaders to build profit and purpose-oriented businesses. During this time, he built deep relationships with NGOs, business leaders and entrepreneurs all over the world as a way to build connection and community. He brings this passion for inner work and building communities to my work at BecauseYOU.

Daniel is a new dad, a half decent guitarist and a traveller (both geographically and spiritually!)

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