Imam Sayed Razawi
Imam Sayed Razawi
British scholar and religious leader
Imam Sayed Razawi is a British scholar and religious leader with a research interest in Islamic philosophy, mysticism, and comparative religion. In particular, he focuses upon the concept of “love” theoretically and applies his insights as a practitioner of theology to expound upon the values and thought-system of Islam on one hand and to undertake interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding through civil society engagement on the other.
He is the Chief Imam and Director General of the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society (SABS). He is also an associate and a director at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, as well as being a Visiting Scholar at the University of Strathclyde.
Nationally, he has served as an advisor on the United Kingdom’s Independent Sharia Review commissioned by Theresa May and participates as a member of the Oxfam GB Zakat Advisory Panel. He is also a trustee for Faith for the Climate.
Internationally, Imam Razawi is a trustee and member of multiple international organizations and non-governmental bodies including an international Trustee of Religions for Peace (RfP), a member of the European Council of Religious Leaders (ECRL), a member of the United Nation (UN) Multi-Faith Advisory Council, and an advisory board member of the Islamic Reporting Initiative (IRI).