

Learning for Well-being Foundation

United States.

CoCo Labs is a systems change organization, dedicated to advancing equitable wellbeing for collective thriving. We believe that everyone, no matter what their current reality, should have access to the tools and support needed to transcend their wellbeing limitations and reach their fullest potential.

Our main aim is to build a coalition of organizations and individuals engaged in shifting multiple systems toward wellbeing for all. In the same way that the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) economics demonstrates that by raising the income of the poorest, the greatest knock-on effect occurs towards a country’s economy, our theory of change includes the notion that by raising the quality of life experience of the most challenged, a country’s thriveability will increase exponentially.
We begin by working with systems leaders to support them in showing up as the best versions of themselves. Leaders that are able to hold multiple perspectives, see systems as living systems, and navigate complexity, are able to create the conditions for communities, at a global level, to thrive even in adverse conditions.

CoCo Labs is working towards the advancement of equitable wellbeing for collective thriving. Thriving goes beyond resilience and well-being to describe a state in which:

  • Everyone is powerful – systemic oppression is phased out
  • Radical “othering” is a thing of the past – cultural competence and integration of diverse ways of being and doing are the norms
  • Communities live in harmony with nature – supported by, and supporting, ecosystem services
  • Individual and collective healing and resilience – communities are able to navigate uncertainty and complexity better
  • Communities demonstrate greater psychosocial development – they are able to move beyond resilience towards thriving, including a greater sense of individual and collective agency

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