
Our Wellbeing Matters

Let’s Get The Conversation Started

Our most prominent global issues — climate change, wars, pandemic, inflation — take both a physical and mental toll on us. In challenging times, it’s essential to prioritize our own wellbeing in order to build a better world.

Over the past year, The Wellbeing Project partnered with Skoll Foundation and TEDx to surface and spotlight new ideas from TEDxSãoPaulo, TEDxAtlanta, and the global TEDx community that explore how we can nurture wellbeing in our communities and in ourselves.

It Starts With Us

Take a look inward with the help of poets, financial tech executives, bishops, and social activists.

Our Right To Pleasure & Wellbeing

Mallika Dutt – TEDxSãoPaulo

Blank Space: Honoring the potential of every young girl

Chanel H. Frazier – TEDxAtlantaWomen

Why here? Why now? Why us?

Jazmine Williams – TEDxSãoPaulo

How To Change Your Mind

What does it take to break an old pattern, and what is possible when we shift our mindset?

Through Guilt To The Wind

Barry Kerzin – TEDxSãoPaulo

Work Is Not Your Family

Gloria Chan Packer – TEDxUTAustin

What Impossible Things Can We Do Together?

Yazmany Arboleda – TEDxSãoPaulo

The Doctor Is In

Food for thought from PhDs and health practitioners on how reconnecting with ourselves can help us fight the good fight.

Why We Need To Change Our Gender Stories

Deepa Narayan – TEDxSãoPaulo

How Traditional Djembe Drumming Can Help Heal Trauma

Francis Agyakwa – TEDxMileHigh

What happens when your therapist breaks up with you?

Kanzie Rowland – TEDxAtlantaWomen

If You Have A Body, You Deserve Wellbeing

Sará King – TEDxSãoPaulo