
Building Common Ground Toolkit by Sharon Rosen

Common Ground Values’ Tookits

– By Sharon Rosen

Sharon Rosen


Sharon shares tools with us that help us to build common ground with people who come from different backgrounds. These tools are particularly relevant when engaging with people of different religions. 


Special Module: Freedom of Religion and/or Belief (FoRB)

This module examines Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB). It begins with an analysis of the right to FoRB and how it is famed in international human rights conventions, studies the challenges associated with FoRB and examines its violations through case studies from around the world.

8 Module Religious Engagement

This module is based on the Common Ground Approach for training and explores how to work effectively with different religious actors.


An Overview of our Religious Engagement Strategy Based on Common Ground Values

This document serves as an introduction to the concepts
underlying Search’s religious engagement work and goes hand-in-hand with a ‘How To’ toolkit comprising concrete examples, case studies, and activities.

Religious Engagement in Peacebuilding – A Common Ground Approach

This is a 17-hour online course developed in partnership with the United States Institute of Peace and is available for free on its Global Campus. Over 2000 people have signed up for the course since its launch in July 2021. The course is also available in French and Arabic.

The Universal Code of Conduct on Holy Sites website

This Universal Code maps out a practical code of conduct and policy for sacred places worldwide, aiming to improve the protection of holy sites and promote inter-religious reconciliation. Completed in 2011 after a three-year development process, the Universal Code is now endorsed by senior religious leaders from over ten faiths and numerous religious institutions. Field projects implementing the Universal Code in local contexts are being directed in several countries around the world.

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