Linda Sadiq
Linda has long believed that each of us is here to fulfill a unique purpose – that the situations, experiences, and interactions life sends our way are designed precisely to help us learn and grow into the Beings we need to be, in order to live that purpose. Many years ago, putting words to her own sense of that purpose, Linda wrote, “My purpose is to be me – openly, honestly, fully, joyously, proudly, lovingly, gratefully, and in doing so, help others to be openly, honestly, fully, joyously, proudly, lovingly, gratefully -themselves”. With professional experience internationally in widely different cultures, sectors, industries, organization settings and community circumstances, Linda has focused on the inner development of organizations and individuals as an organization development consultant, Gestalt psychotherapist, and certified coach of adults and their organizational systems.
Linda is a wife and mother to four amazing adult children, as well as grandmother to six beautiful souls ranging in age from 21 to 6 years. Her favourite place in the world is an indigenous-built retreat in Ontario’s Algonquin Park, where, year after year, she breathes in the splendor of the glorious autumn leaves.
What does inner wellbeing mean to you?
For me, inner wellbeing is the peace that comes from feeling that who I am in the outside world is genuinely who I am deep in my heart.
How would you define wellbeing in one word?
I can’t do it in just one word! Will you accept “inner peace”?
Are there any rituals or practices you use to enhance your wellbeing?
My rituals: creative cooking; reading or listening to poetry that speaks to my heart; writing for me is a meditation; being in the forest or sitting in front of the warmth and glorious smell of a wood-burning fireplace.
Why is it important that we prioritise individual and collective wellbeing?
It’s important to prioritise individual and collective wellbeing because who we are inside is who we are outside. When we are traumatized, in pain, raging, feeling lost, we show up in the world hurt, angry, confused and unsure. And how we show up affects our actions, our relationships, our ability to be thoughtful and caring, creative and productive. Caring for ourselves is caring for our world.
Do you have any favourite books, podcasts, or articles that you believe support, promote, or educate on wellbeing and related themes?
I don’t have anything that professes to be wellbeing guidance. AND I have many favourite books, poems, music, etc. that support and contribute to my own inner wellbeing. Some of my favourites:
“Wherever You Go, There You Are” (Jon Kabat-Zinn)
“The Book of Joy” (Dalai Lama)
“Honoring the Self” (Nathanial Branden)