

Joana Breidenbach



Joana holds a PhD in cultural anthropology, is a social entrepreneur and author of numerous books. She is co-founder of betterplace.org and founder of the betterplace lab. Over the last 8 years, she has experimented with distributed leadership and radical self-organisation and is deeply interested in the inner competencies needed for the current paradigm shift. As an advisor and investor, she supports many digital-social innovations, such as the ReDi School, DeepL or The Next We.

What does inner wellbeing mean to you?

To balance my basic needs between belonging and becoming and to be able to hold the inevitable inner tensions that arise in life.

How would you define wellbeing in one word?

Are there any rituals or practices you use to enhance your wellbeing?

Meditation, self-reflections, sharings

Why is it important that we prioritise individual and collective wellbeing?

Because the deep crisis we find ourselves in – individually, as societies and nature – can only be transcended if we include more of reality, especially the subjective, inner side of the world.

Do you have any favourite books, podcasts, or articles that you believe support, promote, or educate on wellbeing and related themes? 

My own podcast , Iain McGilchrist: https://channelmcgilchrist.com/and free Wellbeing online courses by betterplace lab.

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