Co-leadership: How Greenpeace UK Do It
February 12 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Leading an NGO can be lonely but what about co-leadership – how does that work? There are practical questions of how the responsibilities are shared but also how the trust and relationship is built and managed. We speak to Areeba Hamid about the successful model she and her co-leader are implementing at Greenpeace UK.
Areeba Hamid, Joint Executive Director at Greenpeace UK, will share the story of how she and Will McCallum decided to apply for the leadership role together, and how it works practically. Together they have tackled the huge responsibility of running the large and influential entity since their appointment in August 2022 – the first time this role has been held by two people. We’ll be asking, is this something other organisations could consider? Could it be the way forward in social entrepreneurs’ succession planning? Join us to learn and bring your thoughts and questions.
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