Catalina Saieh
Vice Chairman of CorpGroup Holding (USA)
María Catalina Saieh is Vice Chairman of CorpGroup Holding, an important economic group with a relevant presence in Communications, Retail, Finance, Hotels, and Real Estate. After finishing her MBA at the Booth School of Business at The University of Chicago, Catalina took on strategic positions in many of CorpGroup’s companies, while also accepting an active role in the governance of her family’s foundations. Fundación CorpArtes, the cultural Foundation her family founded 17 years ago to promote diverse cultural activities that encourage new reflections and discussions within society; Fundación Aprendamos and Fundación Descúbreme, which focus on the education and total inclusion of people with cognitive disabilities.
Her motivation and leadership skills have helped her become a true advocate for the arts and the elimination of all barriers that prevent our society from being a more inclusive one. She currently is a member of the Board of Directors of The Shed, the SMART Museum of the University of Chicago, and the Latin American Initiative of the MET; as well as, being Director of the Chilean Federation of Industry (SOFOFA); Executive Committee member of the Inter American Press Association and board member of the Chilean Association of Family Business (AEF). Catalina has a BA in English Literature and a MA in Literature, both from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.